Adam takes the top prize

Staff from Prince Personnel have launched a new award to honour outstanding candidates.

We have unveiled our new Temp of the Quarter Award and the inaugural winner is Adam Kibbler, from Shrewsbury.

He has been placed at a financial services company in central Telford for the last 18 months and has received glowing reports from the management team.

Maria Sandford, for Prince Personnel, said: “Since we launched our company almost ten years ago, we’ve received excellent feedback on temporary workers on hundreds of occasions.

“So we decided to create an award to recognise the hard work and dedication of some of the very best candidates. Adam has been an excellent temporary worker and we are very pleased to be able to make him our shining star for this quarter.”

The financial services company’s Human Resources adviser, Cindy Lloyd, said: “Adam is a conscientious individual whose work is meticulous. He has a great attitude and work ethic, and is a credit to both himself and Prince Personnel.

“He has built a reputation for himself within the Group in both our Telford and London offices. Adam is renowned for getting the job done and has attended significant meetings and conference calls, where he has submitted a credible opinion and knowledge.”

The Temp award project has been masterminded by Prince Personnel’s Temps Consultant Lee Pickford and Consultant Support Executive Zoe Hamer, who were both on hand to make the presentation to Adam.

The title can be awarded for any reason – for perfect attendance; quality of work; commitment above and beyond that usually expected by a temporary worker; or anything else that makes the candidate stand out.

“We will be contacting every company we have placed a temp with at the end of each quarter, and asking them to nominate anyone who has been a real success,” said Maria.