All in one place, all on one day.
We know that time is money – and no-one wants the logistical nightmare of organising a raft of interviews with candidates from far and wide, trying to co-ordinate dates, times and locations.
That’s where Prince comes in – let us take away the stress and strain, to help ensure your recruitment campaign runs smoothly so that you find the perfect candidate for the job.
We have interview facilities available at our centralised head office where you can see all your potential candidates in back-to-back interviews, and our team will host the entire process. We’ll even supply the refreshments!
You’ll have the chance to make direct comparisons while the candidates are fresh in your mind, and the whole process will be a calmer and less stressful experience – for you, and for your candidates.
To find out more or to speak to our professional advisers, call 01952 299844.