Writing your CV

A meeting of career consultants to provide career advice for Shropshire candidates

Let’s start by discussing how to create a CV that truly represents you and catches employers’ attention. Our experience has shown that following this tried-and-tested format works well. Think of your CV as a short story, not a novel, that you can expand on if you get an interview. Keep your paragraphs short and use bullet points when needed.

Your CV isn’t a one-size-fits all document; The magic lies in presenting your skills, education, and work experience in a way that complements the requirements of the vacancy. This not only helps you shine but also reflects your meticulous care for the details.

Personal Details

Start with providing accurate personal information, including your postal address, phone numbers, and email address.

Choose an email address that maintains a professional tone; avoid using addresses created for amusement during your younger days! You can’t go wrong with your initials or your name.

Personal Profile

Your personal profile serves as an opportunity to highlight your skills, qualities, and what distinguishes you from other candidates. Keep it brief and tailor this section to emphasise skills and qualities relevant to the vacancy. Consider this a glimpse into why you feel you would be a good fit for the role.


List your educational qualifications, starting with the most recent. Include dates, institution names, and grades achieved. Offer additional details for your latest relevant qualification and noteworthy projects or achievements. Depending on your education-level, it might be a good idea to summarise or leave off some earlier achievements so that you can focus on your more recent accomplishments.

Employment History

Place your employment history on the first page of your CV, with the most recent job at the top. Provide clear information on dates, job titles, duties, and company names. Use bullet points for readability, and in roles with quantifiable results, highlight achievements such as increased web visits or time-saving software implementations.

Additional information

Use this section to showcase other relevant talents, including volunteering work, technical skills, language proficiency, IT expertise, your driving licence, and additional qualifications. Have a think about anything else that you do that will make you stand out from other applicants.


While you may not always be required to include references, it’s advisable to include two work references directly on your CV. You don’t need to use the phrase “references available on request” as this is assumed and it can take up valuable space. If you have limited experience, consider character references from college tutors. Always seek permission from your references and ensure they are aware of potential contact by recruiters.

The final check

You’re almost there! Here’s what to do before your CV is ready to submit.

Firstly, opt for a font that is clear and easy to read. Ideally, your CV should be concise enough to fit on two or three pages, so if it exceeds this length, consider the relevance of your employment history and education.

Secondly, don’t forget to run a spell-check to catch any mistakes. A tool like Grammarly can help with final checks. Be sure that your spell check or Grammarly account is set to UK English to avoid American spellings. Consider asking a friend to review your CV; their fresh perspective can help identify areas for improvement.

Lastly, save your CV in the requested format with a suitable file name. These steps will enhance your CV’s professionalism and readiness for the job market.

We hope our guidance has empowered you to create a CV that captures attention. Explore our vacancies and consider submitting your application. 

We wish you the best of luck with your job search!

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